GLOW Splendid Tea
26 April 2025
Get involved with our women's ministry. You'll gain an extra family of welcoming women who love Jesus and want to love on you!
GLOW Women’s Ministry seeks to meet the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of women at First Baptist Church of Farmington and within our community. We strive to encourage women to grow in their faith in Christ, to develop and strengthen intimate friendships with other women, and to provide opportunities to serve and reach our community for Christ. There are a wide variety of women’s groups that meet monthly for mission study, prayer, ministry, and fellowship.
Seed Sew-ers
Seed Sew-ers is a women’s mission prayer group that meets the last Thursday of each month beginning at 9 AM for study, prayer, and a sewing project. Previous mission sewing projects include eyeglasses cases for Parkland Health Center, dog beds for the Farmington Pet Adoption Center, lap blankets for The Baptist Home, and several items for children for Operation Christmas Child.
Bible Study Fellowship
Bible Study Fellowship is an international bible study organization composed of more than 2,200 locations, on 6 continents, in more than 120 nations. We host a BSF group that is a branch of a group based in First Baptist Church of Arnold, MO. The group meets for two semesters annually in the spring and fall on Tuesday nights at 7 PM.
Women’s Bible Studies
Here at FBC, we host several Bible studies and prayer groups for women, led by women, with the purpose of growing better God-centered women.