Welcome to Worship Ministry
Worship is vital to the life and work of God’s people. At First Baptist Farmington, music & worship play an integral role in helping our church accomplish her mission. We are committed to teaching one another to love and worship God. We desire to introduce people to Jesus Christ through a variety of musical presentations at the church, around the city of Farmington, and around the world.
When we worship, we’re not just singing, we’re coming to practice His presence in our lives. We’re recognizing our need for Him and listening to what He has to say that can change our hearts, giving our lives power and peace.
Join us as we remind one another – “God has something personal to say to you!”

Do you play an instrument? Join our orchestra for rehearsal every Sunday from 4:30-5:30 PM every Sunday. The orchestra plays for our Sunday morning worship services each week at 8 & 10:30 AM. They also play during special events including a Christmas musical every December. We would love to have you!
Haven’t played your instrument in a while or are learning? Join us for our special First Sunday Orchestra every month where Pastor Kevin gives you music to practice for a month, then you just play the first Sunday of every month in our morning worship services until you feel confident enough to join us every week!

Adult Choir
Do you love to sing for the glory of God? Come join our choir for rehearsal every Wednesday night from 7-8 PM in our choir room! The choir sings every Sunday morning during both worship services at 8 & 10:30 AM as well as special events including our Christmas musical.

Worship Techs
Do you have a knack for audio-visual tech? We want you on our team! Every worship service we need a visual tech to help run our slides and videos, an audio tech to run our in-house sound board and mics, and a livestream tech to run a separate sound board and PTZ cameras feeding to Facebook, Youtube, and our website.
Choir Texting List
Join our Remind texting list specifically for our Adult Choir by texting "@fbcmm01" to 81010.
Orchestra Texting List
Join our Remind texting list specifically for our Orchestra by texting "@fbcmm03" to 81010.